POlicy and procedure

1. Introduction

This policy and procedure document outlines the operational and working guidelines for all users of Ezzey.io. By using our services, you agree to these policies and procedures.

2. User Responsibilities

Users are expected to use Ezzey.io services in a responsible and legal manner. This includes respecting intellectual property rights, maintaining confidentiality, and not using the service for illegal activities.

3. Privacy Policy

Ezzey.io is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. All user data collected is used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

4. Service Usage Policy

All services provided by Ezzey.io must be used for the purpose they were intended for. Any misuse or abuse of the services is strictly prohibited.

5. Payment Policy

All payments for services must be made in accordance with our Payment Policy. This includes details about payment methods, billing cycles, and refund policies.

6. Complaints Procedure

If you have any complaints or issues with our services, please follow our Complaints Procedure to ensure your concerns are addressed effectively.

7. Changes to Policy & Procedure

Ezzey.io reserves the right to modify this Policy & Procedure document at any time. Users will be notified of any significant changes.

2025 Ezzey Digital Marketing. All rights reserved.
